Most of our newest member exists in an adjoining universal continuum, but the bits we get keep busy by chasing the sparrows from the giant macaroni sculptures he builds on his roof. Jackson has always enjoyed playing with his food. When he was ten, his arm had to be surgically extracted from the back of the family elk.
Despite the doctor’s recommendations, Jackson was sent to school with normal children where he was affectionately known as "Chalkboy". Surprisingly, after the mysterious disappearance of the Headmaster’s pet parrot "Petey", Jackson graduated with honors.
Afterwards, he traveled from town to town until folks stopped laughing at him and settled into a quiet rural community that offered to fence him in at no charge.
These days, Jackson enjoys debating with porcelain and hopes one day to make a point.
Good mates, please phase in and welcome our newest member, :FI:Swiftstrike!