1C Game Studios, in partnership with Team Fusion Simulations, is proud to announce the release of a newly updated and improved BLITZ edition of theĀ IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover!
As announced previously, 1CGS has partnered with Team Fusion Simulations to codify and improve their previous mod work and make it an official part of Dover. The release of BLITZ is part of the overall plan to release additional products for what we are calling the Dover Series. The Dover Series will co-exist beside our Great Battles Series. The two series will not be compatible with each other and likely cover different theaters of the war for the foreseeable future, but together both series will give you many options for gameplay and awesome content to enjoy.

IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover BLITZ
More detailed information you’ll find on the Official IL-2 BOS site …